
A comprehensive physical examination is the key to ensuring your pet’s long-term health and well-being. Early detection of diseases through regular examinations may prolong your pet’s life as well as aid in the quality of their life. Subtle changes in weight, appetite, elimination habits, behavior and attitude may all be indications of disease that need immediate attention. We recommend your pet receive yearly physical examinations, which is the equivalent of a human going to the doctor about once every three years. The age of 7 is when a pet is considered a senior, in which case we will perform our regular annual physical examination, as well as recommend laboratory testing to monitor and treat many common diseases that may occur due to aging.

Abdomen: We check your pet’s abdomen to detect any changes or abnormalities in the size of the organs, such as the kidney, spleen, or liver. Palpating the organs can aid in the diagnosis of disorders and diseases such as tumors.

Ears: We use an otoscope to look inside your pet’s ears. This procedure allows us to do an in depth examination of the ear drum and canal. By examining the ears, we are able to detect infections and/or parasites that could harm your pet.

Eyes: We use an instrument called an ophthalmascope to examine your pet’s eyes. Through this procedure we can often see any abnormal changes in the eye and detect some common problems that can occur in dogs and cats: cataracts and retinal disease

Heart & Lungs: We use a stethoscope to listen to your pet’s heart and lungs using a technique called auscultation in which we are able to detect some murmurs, heart and/or lung disease as well as arrhythmias.

Lymph Nodes: We check your pets lymph nodes for changes in size, tenderness, and symmetry.

Mouth: We inspect the pet’s mouth for any abnormal growths or lesions. We also check your pet’s gum color, hydration, and for any signs of dental disease.

Nervous System: We examine your pet’s behavior, reaction, and reflexes to evaluate the nervous system.

Skin: We examine the skin of your pet to look for ectoparasites, which are parasites that latch on to the skin of the pet externally. We look for lesions, tumors, and other abnormal growths.

The first step in prevention of diseases and illness is a yearly comprehensive physical examination to ensure your pet’s well-being and long-term health.